
Showing posts from February, 2023

Shab e Meraj - Isra and Miraj. The Miraculous night journey..🌙

On the night of 27th Rajab, year 621, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) took a journey across the heavens that would come to be known as Isra and Miraj ('The Night Journey'). This was a physical journey (not a metaphorical), with important spiritual elements. Travelling on the back of white beast, horse-like, called Burak (which can mean 'lightning' or 'bright'), the Prophet (pbuh) visited first "the further mosque". "Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al- Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing." Quran, 17:1 Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself described this extraordinary experience in the following words: "Then Jibreel (Gabriel) brought a horse (Burak) to me, which resembled lightning in swiftness and lustre, was of clear white colour, medium in size, smaller than a mule and taller than a (donkey), quick in movement that it put its fee

I have long embraced that I feel things so...

I have long embraced that I feel things so very deeply. Love, as if my heart would burst. Sorrow, as many agonizing deaths. Joy, as though the moon were in my arms or the entire galaxy in my chest.  And so I know, that my immortal soul is far greater than my mortal body. And perhaps, when I have returned to my forgotten home, I'll look back at this world and say that was one helluva ride. ~Suhaib Rumi