
Showing posts with the label family

I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this...

I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this forgotten and barren land. Watered with tears I couldn't swallow and blood from my weary hands. Oh the harvest that was to follow, as roses from Arabian sands tell tales of a better tomorrow, and hope in my Maker's plans. ~Suhaib Rumi

My family's love, a distant song...

In the silent halls where echoes fade,   I wander lost, in shadows shade,   My family's love, a distant song,   Unheard, unnoticed, all along.   Their eyes like stars, cold and distant,   No warmth, no comfort, so persistent,   In their embrace, an empty space,   A void where love should find its place.   Yet still, I yearn for their tender touch,   A fleeting hope, I cling to much,   But in this realm of darkened hue,   My family's love, alas, rings untrue. ~Ambivertsyed  

People who wait for you to tie your shoe. People who shift closer to...

People who wait for you to tie your shoe. People who shift closer to you when you're subconsciously moving away while you're walking next to them. People who smile at you as soon as you make eye contact. People who seek you out to tell you some good news. People who listen to you and hear you and understand you. Do not make the mistake of ever convincing yourself that everyone is a bad person when you yourself have done this and not even thought twice about it.

It's nice to be told you're beautiful or...

It's nice to be told you're beautiful or hot or whatever, but I'd love to hear some say that I make things easier, that they're happy I exist, they don't know what they'd do with out me, I'm strong, that they hope we never lose each other, that they're proud of me, that I have something to offer. Compliments don't always have to be about appearance.

It sucks that we miss people...

It sucks that we miss people like that. You think you've accepted that someone is out of your life, that you've grieved and it's over, and then bam. One little thing, and you feel like you've lost that person all over again. -Rachel Hawkins, Demongla

You know, everytime people say that I have changed. It takes me back to...

You know, everytime people say that I have changed, it takes me back to my younger self, the one who was afraid of change, the one who was deeply involved in attachments and the one who used to be overly invested in emotions. Yes, I surely have changed. And I'm glad that I did. But if you ask  me, I couldn't have asked for anything better, but that exact silly child, who went through things alone and learnt to grow on it's own. ~Smaraki Sarangi

There are far too many silent sufferers. Not because...

There are far too many silent sufferers. Not because they don't yearn to reach out, but because they've tried and found no one who cares. ~Richelle E. Goodrich

1:04am You have changed...

You've changed, 1:04 AM 1:04 AM You have changed. I used to think that you're the  one whom people say one in a million. But no,  you turned out to be the one among the millions. No, I don't know you anymore. No, you're not the  one from before. I thought you were different and yeah you turned  out to be different from my thoughts. A stranger?  M aybe this is only what I can call you from now on.  I don't find the time gap a problem. I think there  remains a connection through silences, when we  can't speak anything silence does. I came back with same affection but you didn't show any attraction. Yes, you have changed a bit  or a lot. No, you're not the one from before. -duskytale