
Showing posts with the label Comfort

Do you know what I love? How closely nature is...

Do you know what I love? How closely nature is linked with mentality. A walk in the woods can calm anxiety, sitting and dropping stones into a lake can ease anger, even taking time to pot some plants and look after them can keep my mind occupied from dissociation. It's like the earth is the oldest psychiatrist of all, and it is always there to talk to, giving me a constant free prescription. Isn't that beautiful.

It's really comforting to know that...

It's really comforting to know that all the times  I was at my lowest and loneliest in the past the  whole time i had my self in the future and present  who had survived those things looking back with  love and tenderness and wishing desperately to  offer comfort. I am my own guardian angel and I can use that knowledge when I'm struggling now and remember that somewhere there is a version of me that has survived this and is watching me with love and pride and joy in his heart.