
Showing posts with the label laugh

People were never my need...

People were never my need Perspectives were. Hearts were. Souls were. People beyond People were. ~Sadia Hakim

The thing about being kind these days is we...

The thing about being kind these days is that we think a lot before being one. The way this life has pierced our hearts, we are losing the innocence we were born with.But we shouldn't give life back what we never wanted from it, instead we should give it something we have always wanted for ourselves. So that someone, somewhere could feel that way, the way we have always wished to. And don't we live a little through each others life, sharing joys and tears, laughing and crying together, so that it could become a little easier, less painful, somehow bearable. ~Tahseen Anam

Life is not all the happy moments...

Life is not all the happy moments, and life isn't only the heartaches either. Everyone goes through good or bad things they don't talk about and no one else knows about. ~Sadia Hakim

There's both beauty and strength in your softness,....

There's both beauty and strength in your softness, in your kindness, despite the world having given reasons for you not to be. ~Suhaib Rumi

And maybe someday in life when you will...

And maybe someday in life when you will find yourself drowning out of grief, May your kind deeds become the buoyant force to lift you up. ~Tahseen Anam

I want to be soft and kind and happy...

I want to be soft and kind and  happy. I want to be a small sun  that warms everyone around me. I want to smile and tuck my hair behind my ear and laugh. I want to be so full of love, i can't help but spread it all around.