
Showing posts with the label ride

You know what's scary about this age...?

You know what's scary about this age? You can't even enjoy your down time. You're socially convinced that every moment you're spending not doing anything is wasted time. That you always should be working towards something. We forget that it's okay to have a breather and simply take time to yourself.

I have long embraced that I feel things so...

I have long embraced that I feel things so very deeply. Love, as if my heart would burst. Sorrow, as many agonizing deaths. Joy, as though the moon were in my arms or the entire galaxy in my chest.  And so I know, that my immortal soul is far greater than my mortal body. And perhaps, when I have returned to my forgotten home, I'll look back at this world and say that was one helluva ride. ~Suhaib Rumi