
Showing posts with the label mindfulness

I actually feed on intelligence, I admire people who...

I actually feed on intelligence, I admire people who know alot and think deeply, even a little conversation with them will take you into a new dimension, they not only know about their religion, culture or nation they belong to but their knowledge is so diverse that it gives you whole different perspective to see the world. And they don't keep their mind to themselves but also try to bring the difference in people's live, I admire such people, they are my inspiration. -Mohammad Usama

It's nice to be told you're beautiful or...

It's nice to be told you're beautiful or hot or whatever, but I'd love to hear some say that I make things easier, that they're happy I exist, they don't know what they'd do with out me, I'm strong, that they hope we never lose each other, that they're proud of me, that I have something to offer. Compliments don't always have to be about appearance.