
Showing posts with the label South America


Bolivia : Exactly a year after the first case of Coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) was reportedly spotted, United States’ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that a deadly virus- ‘Chapare Virus’ with its origin in Bolivia it can disturb the world. The symptoms of this virus are similar to Ebola and can also be transmitted through humans. The new virus, when transmitted, can be severe and can lead to brain haemorrhage. The origin of this virus was seen in the Chapare area of Bolivia in the year 2004. According to the report in Live Science, the CDC said that in 2019, three out of five people who were affected by this infection were health workers, out of which two died. As per the reports, Colin Carlson, a researcher at Georgetown University, said that a hemorrhagic fever like Ebola spreads very hard like a corona or flu. This is because symptoms of hemorrhagic fever usually appear immediately after infection (due to prolonged respiratory illness) an