
Adventure of Aladdin...

Dialogue from Adventure of Aladdin 2 k19 ☆You'd never be afraid to break a rule if it means a little Happiness..💕                            -Ambivertsyed

Salts, Different types of Salts, Salts of the world..

~ Salts Most of us use it every day without even thinking twice about it. We're talking about salt. Chemically, salt is NaCL. But walk into a spice store and you'll see there's a lot of variety in NaCL: Online retailer and New York's famous spice store Kalustyan's, for instance, has more than 80 varieties of sea salt alone. What makes them all different? A lot of things. First, just like terroir makes a difference in how wine tastes, place and source explain why salts have different flavors and colors — and uses. So, just like all wine is fruity (it comes from grapes, after all), all salt is salty, but there's more to the way we perceive what we eat than that. __SALTS OF THE WORLD__ Salt comes from all over the world and is either mined or evaporated from seas, oceans, and salt lakes. Table salt — perhaps the most common variety — is also the most processed. It's mined, and either brought up as rocks (rock salt) or dissolved underground and

Bill Gates saying.....

》People need to understand that the truly rich are those who possess a rich heart rather than lots of money. -Bill Gates                                 -Ambivertsyed

Be known for your Kindness and Grace

Be known for your Kindess and grace💫                                   -Ambivertsyed

Wahi log aksar akele kyun.....

Wahi log aksar akele Kyun reh jate hain, Jo kisi ko dard dene ke baare main sonchte tak nahi..                          -Ambivertsyed


~Pyaar main junoon hai par DOSTI main sukoon hai.. ❤                         -Ambivertsyed


"Loyalty is a two-way street. If I'm asking for it from you, then you're getting it from me."                - Ambivertsyed