
Father, Dad, Daddy, Abbu, Man like mum....

A child asked his father: "What is a man?" The father replied,"A person who takes responsibility for his family and his house and takes care of them."  Then the child said. "I hope I'll be a man like mum one day." - Ambivertsyed

Stay low key....!

Stay low key. Not everyone needs to know everything about you. -AmbivertSyed

A year from now...

A year from now you'll wish you had started today. Start where you are, Do what you can, Use what you have. -Ambivertsyed

Imperfection and Real

I am full of mistakes and imperfection and therefore I am real. -Ambivertsyed

Change it....

If you don't like something change it. If you can't change it change the way you think about it. -AmbivertSyed

Worth it....

All the hard work, All the sacrifices, All the sleepless nights, Struggles and downfalls will pay off. Yes it is going to be hard, but it's going to be worth it. -AmbivertSyed

I no longer chase any.....

I no longer chase anything or anyone I work for what I want & I remain patient while going after it. So called Friends who want to go, can go. Lovers who have forgotten how to love me, can go. I do not have energy to chase what is not for me. Life is too short for me to run miles for people who don't take steps for me. -Ambivertsyed