
In this world, people often disappoint...

"In this world, people often disappoint, no matter our efforts, Their satisfaction remains elusive, leaving us in discomfort. If only we could seek solace in peaceful passing or divine guidance, Alas, such wishes are beyond our hands, in this earthly residence."

We shatter like waves on stone,

In life's tempest, we shatter like waves on stone, Yet in the abyss, we're never alone. For in the silence, in the darkest night, It's God's embrace that guides us to the light.

My family's love, a distant song...

In the silent halls where echoes fade,   I wander lost, in shadows shade,   My family's love, a distant song,   Unheard, unnoticed, all along.   Their eyes like stars, cold and distant,   No warmth, no comfort, so persistent,   In their embrace, an empty space,   A void where love should find its place.   Yet still, I yearn for their tender touch,   A fleeting hope, I cling to much,   But in this realm of darkened hue,   My family's love, alas, rings untrue. ~Ambivertsyed  

Have the courage to let go...

Please, just have the courage to let go of the people who leave your heart confused. Let go of the people who make you feel like you are compromising all that you desire, and all that you hope for, and all of the goodness and the beauty that you know exists in this world, for a skinny version of love. Let go of falling in love with potential, let go of falling in love with the idea of someone rather than who they truly are. Let go of the fears you have that keep you holding on to something that hurts, something that is so heavy, something that has only left you feeling misunderstood, or unworthy, or at war with yourself. ~Atticuspoetry

It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than

It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise. -Fyodor Dostoyevsky

No matter how much you're loved, to feel

No matter how much you're loved,  to feel loved, you must be seen for who you really are. That's when every ounce of love given is a pound felt. ~Suhaib Rumi

People were never my need...

People were never my need Perspectives were. Hearts were. Souls were. People beyond People were. ~Sadia Hakim