I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this...

I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this forgotten and barren land. Watered with tears I couldn't swallow and blood from my weary hands. Oh the harvest that was to follow, as roses from Arabian sands tell tales of a better tomorrow, and hope in my Maker's plans. ~Suhaib Rumi


Aren't we suppose to know this Beautiful story?😍 So let's begin😄

Allah☝️ The most Beneficent and The most Merciful🤩💖

I was born and raised a Mormon boy in Tennessee USA. I have never heard of the beautiful religion Islam while I was growing up.
When I was 14 years old, I moved to Kansas City and got a job at the local fast food restaurant. At this point, all I knew about Islam was what my parents and the media have been saying. Around that time of getting my job, there was another 14 year old girl who just so happened to be covered from head to toe. The first thing I noticed was not her hijab but her personality. The way her religion shined through her and defined her.
I started looking into the religion, I started studying and I found my self believing in Islam. I found myself happier than what I was before. I continued my journey with Islam and eventually converted and wouldn't have it any other way. My mother wouldn't allow me to bring the Quran in the house, and made a big deal about my reverting.

Eventually I told the Muslim girl about my peace with Islam, and we started talking more. I worked up the courage and asked her dad for her hand in marriage. It definitely was a lot of hard work, but her parents accepted me as one of their sons and supported the both of us.
I married Su'Su on June 25th, 2014.
I no longer have contact with my family because they have taken it upon themselves to not support my life style.
I gained another family though. I pray everyday, 5 times a day that everything will soon be together and peaceful. Alhamdullah, I have the most beautiful muslimah wife in the world. -converts to islam
#islam #peace #truehappiness May Allah bless your marriage. Ameen. Summa Aameen🧡 

Islam is a Peaceful religion, Spread Love not hate.!! #Peacelover💓


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