Ramadan Mubarak✨️

As we embark on this sacred journey of Ramadan, may Allah shower His blessings upon you and your family. May your days be filled with piety and your nights with tranquillity. Ramadan Mubarak!✨️

Rabi ul awwal 2019💕🌙

💚Rabi ul Awwal Mubarak💚🤩

🌙The new moon of Rabi al-Awwal has appeared, the month in which Allah brought forth His best and most perfect,His Chosen One, His Beloved, the Most Noble of the First and the Last in the sight of the Lord of the Worlds. His ﷺ uncle Sayyiduna Abbas said to him ﷺ: 🌙
‎ُوأَنْتَ لَمَّا وُلِدْتَ أشْرَقَتْ الأَرْضُ وضَاءَتْ بِنُورِكَ الأُفُق
‎ُفَنَحْنُ في ذلك الضِّياءِ وفي النُّورِ وسُبْلِ الرَّشَادِ نَخْتَرِق
When you were born the earth and the horizons were illuminated by your light
We remain bathed in that glow and it continues to light the path as we travel it
Every mawlid composed later is merely echoing what the Companions said to the Chosen One. They were the first people to celebrate the mawlid.
Strive in this noble month to please the Chosen One, seeking to please Allah. Please him with your intentions, your ambitions, your words and deeds. Allah is pleased with those that praise his Prophet, those that venerate His Prophet ﷺ, those that support His Prophet ﷺ. He is pleased with that which pleases the Prophet ﷺ. Allahūmma A'ameen 💚

Sayyidi Habib Umar bin Hafīz (may Allah protect him and benefit us by him) #HeIsMuhammadﷺ #Peacebeuponhim #RabiUlAwwal 


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