I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this...

I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this forgotten and barren land. Watered with tears I couldn't swallow and blood from my weary hands. Oh the harvest that was to follow, as roses from Arabian sands tell tales of a better tomorrow, and hope in my Maker's plans. ~Suhaib Rumi

I hope you know you deserve it all...

I hope you know that you deserve it all. The best, the most honest, the most beautiful and purest love in the world. Not only to be loved by others, but to be loved by yourself. To look in the mirror and think "yes, I'm exactly who I want to be". To speak up and be proud of yourself. To be brave and open. You deserve the nicest and most caring people to walk into your life. You deserve it all, you know. The whole world. And you should never forget.


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