
Favor, Favor yourself, Stop being available to people every time...

Do a favor to yourself, Stop being available to people every time.💕                     -Ambivertsyed

Respect, Self Respect, Respect others, Respect yourself💫

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anyone or anything that no longer Serves you, Grows you or makes you Happy!!                           -Ambivertsyed

Star, Sky, Candle, Dark, Don't be a star in the sky, be a candle in the dark🕯

Don't be a star in the sky 💫 be a candle in the dark 🕯                                       -Ambivertsyed  

Be you the world will adjust. BE YOU!!

♤Be you the world will adjust 👑                                                 -Ambivertsyed

Motivation, Motivational Quotes, Motivate, Motivator, Strong Women, Woman

Strong women👩💫 "Be proud of who you're, what other people think doesn't matter." "Ofcourse I changed I realized that I deserve so much better." Dear Ladies, Study hard, So one day your first name will be enough! "Be the kind of woman that makes other girls step their Game up" "No one is coming to save you, This life is 100% your responsibility." "Never sacrifice your class to get even with someone who has none Let them have the gutter. You take the high road." "The most attractive quality in a woman is when you know she hasn't been with everybody and won't be with just anybody." *You're gonna piss off a lot of people when you start doing what's best for you.* "Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself"                                        -Ambivertsyed  


Let your past be in Past 🌬 It's time to have courage and move on, You did mistakes which might be haunting you till date, but Guess what? Let's accept the fact that we did because it's Human nature & don't forget we learn from our Mistakes, let's pack this so called "Past" in a box and let's live freely with a Peace of mind!! So now it's time to Forgive ourselves and forget. It's time to embed this in mind that the mistakes committed in the past won't get repeated in our Present and Future rather than thinking people might use it against you! Have courage  to say Yes I did it with an honest guilt! Don't let anybody play with your mind! You are You not others. This life You've to live with yourself, with your decisions,with Self Respect!! You've to solve your problems by your own self.... Realise the fact that If you accept your mistakes no one can use them against you. Try to solve them with Positive attitude because


🌟عیدمبارک🌙 🥀تقبل الله منا ومنكم🥀