I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this...

I planted the seeds of my sorrow in this forgotten and barren land. Watered with tears I couldn't swallow and blood from my weary hands. Oh the harvest that was to follow, as roses from Arabian sands tell tales of a better tomorrow, and hope in my Maker's plans. ~Suhaib Rumi


Silence is a state.

 Just like there are all kinds of sounds, words, sentences, there are also all kinds of silence.
A person is not what he says but how he keeps his silence. But the talking state takes over. Whatever the state a person is in, his actions are the same.

Whatever letters line up to unite.
Whatever words line up to become a sentence the essence is the meaning. The meaning makes you understand others.

If words are silver, Silence is gold.

Its a nice phrase, yes
but what does it mean?

Silence is such a thing that can only be compared to gold.

I wonder, does silence expose more secrets?
Does it tell more than words?
 The last stop of words is the tongue. 
Well then, what is the first stop?

Just like all water has a source a spring, a home, there must be a source from which words come out.
That place is silence.
Silence is the source, the home & the spring of words. That is why we don't look at your words... we look at your state.

If you have an empty human mind that believes everything that is told the tongue is enough. Now, just because we are saying this, do not think words are insignificant.
Just the opposite, a person is his words. We talk about the truth that will ultimately arise like the sun. Our aim is not to belittle the power of words.

Words are indeed strong. So powerful, they make you believe in lies. We cannot make them believe in the truth.


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